
Sexual Addiction

Individual and Group Therapy is seen as essential for effective and successful treatment for all addictive disorders. Sexual Addiction effects men and women. Developing a support network is vital for the person to build sustaining recovery and break through the emotional paralysis of the destructive power of addictive cycle.

Understand the D isease of Sexual Addiction
Break through the Many Aspects of Denial
Explore your Life Journey
Understand the Impact on Yourself, Your Partner, and Family
Travel the Road to Forgiveness
Consider the Impact of Multi-Addiction for Sustaining Recovery
Deepen your Awareness through the 12 Steps of Recovery
Break out of the Pain of Isolation and Loneliness of the Disease
Trust Building through Resolving Grief with Resultant Shame Reduction
Recognize and Deal with Triggers caused by the Stress of Everyday Life
Maintain a Group Consciousness of Sexual Sobriety
Build Accountability and  Personal Integrity
Experience Peace and Spiritual Growth in R ecovery


Group members will discuss their life and relational concerns, seeking sexual sobriety and healthy relationships

Psycho-educational material regarding the Addictive Process

Deepen Understanding and Implement 12 Steps of Recovery

Skills focused on the 30 Task Model for Recovery by Dr. Patrick Carn es




Sexual addiction is any sexually-related, compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one's work environment.  For more information or to complete brief anonymous Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) please visit

Sexual Addiction is a compulsive behavior that dominates the person's life. Sexual addicts make sex a priority more important than family, friends, and work. Sex becomes the organizing principle of addict's lives. They are willing to sacrifice what they cherish most in order to preserve and continue their unhealthy behavior. Progression of time and/or type is frequently reported.

Definitions and behaviors of sexual addiction
Sexual addiction comes in many different forms. There is no single type of behavior or even amount of behavior that will indicate you are a sexual addict. The problem is much more complex than can be explained in a few words and if you have been living the life of a sex addict, you know how difficult it is to describe what you are experiencing.

Three basic things to consider when you define sexual addiction are:

Do I have a sense that I have lost control over whether or not I engage in my specific out-of-control sexual behavior?

Am I experiencing significant consequences because of my specific out-of-control sexual behavior?

Do I feel like I am constantly thinking about my specific out-of-control sexual behavior, even when I don't want to?


Take the SAST assessment tool at this link:

The next men's group will start Fall, 2019.  Individual and/or couple therapy available.

Partner's Impacted by Sexual Addiction:  See Partners Find Healing